Verfahren nach Quine und McCluskey (Source)

Bitte geben Sie die Bitkombinationen an, welche die gewünscht Funktion beschreiben.
Die Reihenfolge der eingegebenen Zahlen geht von Xn...X0 (höherwertiges Bit zuerst).

10 (dezimal) */ function minterm($str){ $this->marked=false; /*initialize values*/ $this->val=0; $this->len=strlen($str); $this->str=$str; $this->prime=false; for($i=0;$i<$this->len;$i++){ if($str[$i]=='1') $this->val=$this->val+pow(2,$this->len-$i-1); else if($str[$i]!='0'){ $this->val=-1; echo "Fehler beim Erkennen des MinTerms $str an Position $i:".$str[$i]; break; } } } /*mark as prime*/ function setprime(){ $this->prime=true; } /*returns true if this minterm is a prime*/ function isprime(){ return $this->prime; } function ismarked(){ return $this->marked; } function mark(){ $this->marked=true; } /*unmark*/ function dmark(){ $this->marked=false; } /*compare with an other minterm, if equal except 1 bit, then delete this bit*/ function compare($min){ $pos=0; $diff=0; for($i=0;$i<$this->len;$i++) { if (($this->str[$i]!=$min->str[$i]) && ($this->str[$i]!='-')) { $pos=$i; /*store position of different bit*/ $diff++; /*count differences*/ } else { if (($this->str[$i]=='-') && ($min->str[$i]!='-')) { $diff = -1; break; } } } if ($diff != 1){ /*difference is one bit, mark this one*/ return -1; } return $pos; } function dump(){ echo "".$this->str." Primimplikant: ".(($this->isprime())?"Ja":"Nein"); if (count($this->impls)>0) { echo ", Entstanden durch: ".$this->impls[0]; } for ($cnt=1; $cntimpls); $cnt++) { echo ", ".$this->impls[$cnt]; } echo ".
"; } } class quine { var $minterme; /*array of all minterms*/ var $colhead = array(); /* parse string and fill the minterm array bsp.: 00010 00011 01001 10011 */ function initialize($data){ $this->minterme=array(); $lines=split("\n",$data); while(list(,$val)=each($lines)){ $val=str_replace("\n","",$val); /*Remove linebreaks from input*/ $val=str_replace("\r","",$val); if ($val!='') { array_push($this->minterme,new minterm($val)); array_push($this->colhead, $this->BStrToInt($val)); } } } function dump($var){ for($i=0;$idump(); } /**/ function optimize(){ $i=0; $j=0; $res=array(); $minterme=$this->minterme; $implicants=1; echo "

Berechnung der Primimplikanten

"; $this->dump($minterme); while($implicants>0) { $res=array(); $implicants=0; echo "

Terme gefunden: ".count($minterme)."

"; for($i=0;$iisprime()) continue; /* skip primes */ for($j=$i+1;$jisprime()) continue; /* skip primes */ if ($minterme[$i]->str==$minterme[$j]->str) { $minterme[$j]->mark(); continue; } $pos=$minterme[$i]->compare($minterme[$j]); if ($pos!=-1){ $minterme[$i]->mark(); $minterme[$j]->mark(); array_push($res,$minterme[$i]); $res[count($res)-1]->str[$pos]='-'; if (count($res[count($res)-1]->impls)==0) { array_push($res[count($res)-1]->impls, $minterme[$i]->str); array_push($res[count($res)-1]->impls, $minterme[$j]->str); } else { $res[count($res)-1]->impls = array_merge($minterme[$i]->impls, $minterme[$j]->impls); } $implicants++; } } } for($i=0;$iismarked()){ $minterme[$i]->setprime(); /*mark as primiplicant*/ array_push($res,$minterme[$i]); } } for($i=0;$idmark(); } $minterme=$res; $this->dump($minterme); } echo "

Primterme gefunden: ".count($minterme)."

"; $this->minterme = $minterme; } /* build a prime term array table */ function primetable() { $minterme=$this->minterme; $table = array(); echo "


"; $entries = $minterme[0]->impls; for ($cnt=1; $cntimpls); } $entries = array_unique($entries); asort($entries); reset($entries); for ($termcnt=0; $termcntimpls); $found = 0; while (list($termkey, $termentrie) = each($minterme[$termcnt]->impls)) { if ($termentrie == $entrie) { $found = 1; break; } } array_push($subary, $found); $cnt++; } array_push($table, $subary); } return ($table); } /* convert a binary string "000100101..." to an integer */ function BStrToInt($str) { $retval = 0; $pos = 0; for ($cnt=(strlen($str)-1); $cnt>=0; $cnt--) { if ($str[$cnt] == '1') { $retval += 1<<$pos; } $pos++; } return ($retval); } function dominance() { if (count($this->minterme)==0) { echo "

Minimale Funktion:

"; echo "Y = 0"; return; } $prim = $this->primetable(); $xmask = array(); $ymask = array(); $x = count($prim[0]); $y = count($prim); /* initialize mask with zeros */ for($cnt=0; $cnt<$x; $cnt++) $xmask[$cnt] = 0; for($cnt=0; $cnt<$y; $cnt++) $ymask[$cnt] = 0; /* simplify */ $change = 1; $dir = 0; while ($change) { /* show table */ $this->tabdump($x, $y, $prim, $xmask, $ymask); /* simplify */ $change = $this->tabdomina($x, $y, $prim, $dir, $xmask, $ymask); printf ("

* %sdominanzpruefung ergab:

", ($dir)?"Zeilen":"Spalten"); $dir = ~$dir; } $this->tabdump($x, $y, $prim, $xmask, $ymask); $this->tabdisj($x, $y, $prim, $xmask, $ymask); return(0); } /* dir = true->horizontally, false->vertically */ function tabconv($x, $y, &$ary, $entry, $dir, &$xmask, &$ymask) { $ret = 0; for ($cnt=0; $cnt<(($dir)?$x:$y); $cnt++) { if ($dir) { if ($xmask[$cnt]) continue; $ret += ($ary[$entry][$cnt])?1<<$cnt:0; } else { if ($ymask[$cnt]) continue; $ret += ($ary[$cnt][$entry])?1<<$cnt:0; } } return($ret); } /* check for column and row dominances */ /* dir = true->horizontally, false->vertically */ function tabdomina($x, $y, &$ary, $dir, &$xmask, &$ymask) { /* minimize rows */ $max = ($dir)?$y:$x; $change = 0; for ($cnt=0; $cnt<$max; $cnt++) { if ($dir) { if ($ymask[$cnt]) continue; /* skip already masked rows */ } else { if ($xmask[$cnt]) continue; /* skip already masked columns */ } $sum = $this->tabconv($x, $y, $ary, $cnt, $dir, $xmask, $ymask); printf("

- Überprüfe %s %s (%s).

\n", ($dir)?"Zeile":"Spalte", $cnt, $sum); if ($sum == 0) { printf ("

! %s leer, keine Pruefung notwendig.

\n", ($dir)?"Zeile":"Spalte"); continue; } for ($subcnt=0; $subcnt<$max; $subcnt++) { if ($cnt == $subcnt) continue; /* don't compare to yourself */ if ($dir) { if ($ymask[$subcnt]) continue; /* skip already masked rows */ if (($sum|$this->tabconv($x, $y, $ary, $subcnt, $dir, $xmask, $ymask))==$sum) { $ymask[$subcnt] = true; printf("

! Maskiere Zeile %s.

\n", $subcnt); $change = 1; } } else { if ($xmask[$subcnt]) continue; /* skip already masked columns */ if (($sum&$this->tabconv($x, $y, $ary, $subcnt, $dir, $xmask, $ymask))==$sum) { $xmask[$subcnt] = true; printf("

! Maskiere Spalte %s.

\n", $subcnt); $change = 1; } } } } printf("\n"); return($change); } /* output table */ function tabdump($x, $y, &$ary, &$xmask, &$ymask) { echo ''; for ($xcnt=0; $xcnt<$x; $xcnt++) { if ($xmask[$xcnt]) continue; printf("", $this->colhead[$xcnt]); } echo ""; for ($ycnt=0; $ycnt<$y; $ycnt++) { if ($ymask[$ycnt]) continue; printf("", "P".($ycnt+1)); for ($xcnt=0; $xcnt<$x; $xcnt++) { if ($xmask[$xcnt]) continue; printf("", $ary[$ycnt][$xcnt]); } echo ""; } echo "
"; } /* output disjunctive normal form */ function tabdisj($x, $y, &$ary, &$xmask, &$ymask) { $minterme = $this->minterme; $outstr = "Y = "; for ($cnt=0; $cnttabcnv($minterme[$cnt]->str)."+ "; } $outstr = substr($outstr, 0, strlen($outstr)-strlen(" + ")); echo "

Minimale Funktion:

"; echo "$outstr"; } /* convert primterms to alpha characters */ function tabcnv($str) { $cntup = 0; $res = ""; for ($cnt=strlen($str)-1; $cnt>=0; $cnt--) { if ($str[$cnt] == "0") { // $res .= "(!".chr($cntup+97).")"; $res .= "(!x".$cntup.") "; } elseif ($str[$cnt] == "1") { // $res .= chr($cntup+97); $res .= "x".$cntup." "; } $cntup++; } if (strlen($res)==0) $res = "1 "; return ($res); } } error_reporting(E_ALL); if (@$_POST['calc']=='true'){ $quine=new quine(); $quine->initialize($_POST['data']); $quine->optimize(); $quine->dominance(); } ?>
(c) Dec 2005 by Sven Bachmann and Matthias Ableitner